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Stámés (About)
Ch'íthométset (We thank you)
Knowledge Keepers & Participants
Advisory Committee
University of the Fraser Valley
Stó:lō Research and Resource Management
Additional Contributors
Éy kw'esé e'mi (It is good you are here)
S'ólh Téméxw (Our Land)
Seasonal Rounds
Temxéytl’ (Winter)
Teqw'íles (Spring)
Temkw'ó:kw'es (Summer)
Temhilálxw IAutumn)
Yilólem (The Year)
Plants & Their Uses
Xéyth'elhp (Red Alder)
Xwókw'eltel (Large-leaved Avens)
Shxwelméxwelh (Wild Blackberry)
Xwelítemelh sqw'ólmexwelhp (Blackberry)
Tselqó:me:lhp (Blackcap)
Th'ála sp'á:q'em (Bleeding Heart)
Xéyxemels (Burdock)
Q'áyxelhp (Cascara)
Sth'á:qel (Cattail Rush)
Xpá:yelhp ( Western Red Cedar)
T'elémelhp (Wild Cherry)
Lhó:me (Red Clover/White Clover)
St'él'exel (Coltsfoot)
Chewó:lhp (Cottonwood)
Sp'á:th'elhp (Red Flowering Currant)
Qwáyúwél (Dandelion)
Qwó:pelhp (Devil's Club)
T'emó:sa (Western/Yellow Dock)
Méthelh (Spreading Dogbane)
Th'exwíyelhp (Red-Osier Dogwood)
Lá:yelhp (Douglas Fir)
Sth'íwéq'ehlp (Red Elderberry)
False Hellebore
Tl'asíp (Licorice Fern)
Xaweqál (Parsely Fern/Rockbrake)
Sthxa:lem/Thxa:lem (Sword Fern)
Xéyeslótel (Wild Ginger)
Máts'íyelhp (Black Hawthorn)
Sth:í:tsemelh (Beaked Hazelnut)
Tsmímeth' sp'á:q'em (Heal-all/Self-heal)
Mélemélhp (Western Hemlock)
Q'éyt'o (Wild/Orange Honeysuckle)
Xémxem (Common Horsetail)
Xémxem (Giant Horsetail)
Sqá:lá:lhp (Red Hucklemberry)
Th'el'á:ltel (Juniper)
Tl'íkw'iyelhp (Kinnikinnik)
Móqwem (Labrador Tea)
Stl'éleqw' (Chocolate Lily)
Sxàmeléxwthelh (Tiger Lily)
Qw'emétxw (Yellow Pond-Lily)
Q'emówelhp (Broadleaf/Bigleaf Maple)
Sí:ts'elhp (Vine Maple)
Sth'élhp (Mock Orange)
Qwíqwelh (Sitka Mountain-Ash)
Q'ém:es (Pine Mushroom)
Th'éxth'ex (Stinging Nettle)
Qá:thelhp (Oceanspray)
St'áxet (Nodding Onion)
Selíyelhp (Oregon Grape)
Pacific Ninebark
Pipehomá:lews (Broad Leaf Plantain)
Pipehomá:lews (Sword Plantain)
Qá:lqelhp (Wild/Nootka Rose)
T'aqá:lhp (Salal)
Elílá:lhp (Salmonberry)
Ts'eslátselhp (Saskatoon Berry)
T'át'ets'em ts'esémelep (Sheep Sorrel)
Ch'ó:kw'e (Skunk Cabbage)
T'á:ts'ehlp (Spirea)
Ts'qw'élhp (Sitka Spruce)
St. John's Wort
Schí:yá:lhp (Wild Strawberry)
T'qwémelhp (Thimbleberry)
Xaxt'ó:les (Trillium)
Lhxwáléws (Vanilla Leaf)
Xwá:lá:lhp (Scouler's Willow)
Xaweqál (Yarrow)
"Cold Time"
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